
Altera Penang

Altera Penang

Project Title:
Cadangan Mendirikan Sebuah pejabat dan Makmal 3 Tingkat Di Atas Lot 15834 Medan Bayan Lepas Technoplex, Bayan Lepas.
Proposed Multi Storey car park, Location : Plot 11,12 Technoplex Medan Bayan Lepas, 11900 Bayan Lepas, Pulau Pinang.

Main Con Name:Nakano Construction Sdn Bhd
Factory OwnerAltera Penang
Build Up:
Location:8, Medan Bayan Lepas, Bayan Lepas Industrial Park, 11900 Bayan Lepas, Pulau Pinang
Lot 15834 Medan Bayan Lepas Technoplex, Bayan Lepas.
Project Scope:Maisonary Contractor - Sub-Structure and Superstructure Contractor
Year Completed:2006, 2009



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